Con motivo del Día Mundial de la Salud, la Oficina de Tetuán, en colaboración con Madrid Salud-Tetuán, impartió un taller de «Prevención de Accidentes», que tenía como objetivo contribuir a disminuir la frecuencia de los accidentes y la gravedad de las lesiones que pudieran ocasionarse.
Cabe recordar que el Día Mundial de la Salud se celebra el 7 de abril todos los años para conmemorar el aniversario de la fundación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en 1948. Cada año se elige para esta fecha un tema que pone de relieve una esfera de interés prioritario para la OMS.
Tema, lema y etiqueta
- El tema del Día Mundial de la Salud es: Cobertura sanitaria universal para todas las personas, en cualquier lugar.
- El lema es “La salud para todos”.
- La principal etiqueta que utilizamos es #HealthForAll , pero tengan a bien consultar asimismo las contribuciones a #WorldHealthDay.
Much like the triggers for a bear market in the traditional markets, investor confidence in the overall outlook and prospects for a sector play a strong role in pricing and the potential for a decline. The decline in confidence can be triggered by negative sentiment about value as well as concerns about liquidity and security. Financial loses, such as an organization ceasing operations or declaring bankruptcy, can also contribute to a crypto winter event. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained is a beginner-level certificate course that takes approximately nine hours to complete. If you’re interested in starting a career in FinTech, you might benefit from earning a credential. The course is offered by the University of Michigan and explains how blockchain works and the strengths and weaknesses of cryptocurrency.
Mining Bitcoin can be as easy as running Bitcoin mining software on your computer, and there are many options for this. However, it should be noted that, unlike in the early days of Bitcoin, today—due to the processing speed of many professional Bitcoin miners—most individuals no longer have the computing power to successfully mine Bitcoin. If you plan to buy and sell bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, expect to have to verify your identity. Coinbase, for example, requires identity verification of account holders in order to comply with Know Your Customer guidelines. Venmo has also begun to ask their users to verify their identities. Compared with when Bitcoin first launched in 2009, buying cryptocurrency has gotten easier by the day. Today, you can purchase bitcoin directly on crypto exchanges, mobile payment apps, peer-to-peer marketplaces, Bitcoin ATMs and even on some traditional brokerage platforms. Bitcoin ETFs are also a viable option for those hesitant to hold actual bitcoin. The list is quite elaborate.